The Professional Educators’ Union is taking note of the impending country wide industrial action penned for the 7th October 2020.

Whilst we are alive to the fact that SAFTU and COSATU are the ones mobilizing their affiliates and further urging every worker in the country to join the industrial , it must be quickly pointed out to you that this has nothing to do with PEU.

Experience has taught us that some of our members will rightlfully still be asking about our standpoint as a Union, regarding the above-alluded strike, if a directive is not timeously provided.

It is for this reason that we prudently and proactively give a directive to all PEU members to distance themselves from the strike.

Whilst we share the sentiments on the bloodbath jobloses, unprecedented unemployment and rampant corruption in the country, as sharply and correctly espoused by the two Federations, that are at the fore front of the industrial action, it is worth noting that PEU was never consulted ,let alone informed, and it for this reason that we cannot, as a self – respecting Union, just blindly follow and join the strike.

We further wish to be categorical in stating that whilst PEU distances itself from the industrial action, we shall never stand on the way any of our members, who strongly feel to pledge solidarity and support to the strike.

We shall be remise in our leadership if we don’t advise you that whilst the strike might be protected, the employer shall still reserve the right to apply the principle of No work no play, to employees who shall not be reporting for duty on the day.

We further advise that for those who shall find it safe to report for duty on the day, ensure that they duly sign attendance registers and keep any other proof that supports their attendance.


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