National Conference
The Conference (Congress) of the Union is the highest Policy making body. The Conference is held annually. It is open to all members of the Union. Every member may attend, and speak, at the discretion of the Chairperson, but only delegates and officials of the Union can vote or introduce motions and / or amendments.
General Executive Council
The General Executive Council is the highest decision making body, second in importance only to the National Conference. GEC meets at least four (4) times a year, and performs all functions of National Conference when the latter is not in session. Delegates to the GEC are members of the National Executive Committee, Provincial Secretaries and delegates representing the Districts.
National Executive Committee
The National Executive Committee (NEC), also known as the Emergency Executive Committee (EEC), is elected biennially by the National Conference. The NEC/EEC takes decisions and actions on the behalf of the Union as it considers necessary, and as cannot, in the opinion of the President, be delayed until the calling together of the General Executive Council (GEC). The NEC/EEC is responsible and accountable to the General Executive Council.
Provincial Executive Committees
In every Province there is a Provincial Executive Committee (PEC). Organization at Provincial level is the same as at National level; with the Provincial Conference being the supreme body in that province, followed by the Provincial GEC. The PEC is therefore accountable to the Provincial GEC and Conference.
District Executive Committee
A district is made up of Branches in a locality. A District shall have a minimum of three hundred (300) members. The District Executive Committee (DEC) shall coordinate the activities of the Union in a district. The DEC shall be responsible to the District GEC and District Annual Conference.
Branch Executive Committee
A Branch consists of no fewer than thirty (30) members, except where exemption is granted by the district having jurisdiction over that particular Branch. The Branch Executive Committee (BEC) shall take charge of Union activities in the Branch, and shall report to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and to the District
Site Steward
A site is a school, institution or office where there are members of the Union. Union members at a site shall meet and appoint / elect a site steward. The site steward will be the link between the branch and the site, and shall ensure that Union members are kept informed about the developments, both in the Union and the Education Department.