The Professional Educators Union (PEU) has learned with shock and sadness on the untimely death of Mr Willy Kutumela, who was one of Directors in the Department of Education.
We deep our burner in joining other fraternal organisations, to send our profound and heartfelt condolences to his family, friends and the Department.
We are quite aware that at this point in time, words alone will never be enough to ameliorate the excruciating pain they are going through.
Our hearts and thoughts will always be with them during this trying moment.
Willy was undoubtedly one of the doyens of labour laws in education. His sobriety , impartiality and even-handedness in the execution of his duties will be solely missed.
As we mourn his death, we equally celebrate his life and the immense contribution he made in our education system.
He was one the poineers and founders of our Education Labour Relations Council (ELRC) , who continued to shape and mould it to its current form.
May his soul get eternal peace.