The Professional Educators ‘Union is overly elated by one of her vibrant, energetic, ever-shining young lion, who never stops to make it proud and prominantely locate it amongst nation builders. That is none other than LINFORD MOLAODI.The young man continues to hoist our professional flag to the highest echelons in the teaching profession.
Linford has recently won the Excellence in Technology Enhanced Teaching and Learning Category, during the 19th Annual National Teaching Awards, held on 16 February 2019 at the Sandton Convention Centre, in Johannesburg.
The award adds to a series of achievements under his belt, inter alia, The 2018 South African Men of the Year Award in the Science and Technology Category, The 2015 Sekhukhune District Mayoral Award in Best performing Physical Science Matric Educaor.
Born and bred in the Sekhukhune Area of Limpopo on 28 April 1992, Linford has undoubtedly performed and achieved far beyond his chronological age and he is indeed a true signal of good and bigger things still coming. He completed his primary and secondary education at Maremele and Makatane High school, respectively. He holds a B.Ed Degree in ICT Education with University of Johannesburg and currently study towards completion of Masters Degree in the same field of study and University.
Linford is a teacher at Masemola High school, also Sekhukhune, who, after PEU was introduced to him in 2017, never looked any further but joined iy, as he found its core values of professionalism and political non-alignment to be in resonance and compatible with what he stands for in his life, as shaper of young minds and community builder. His signing of our membership has added to a long list of young teachers who had not only swelled our ranks and files recently but defied the wrong notation and false narrative that PEU is for elderly people. Linford and his cohorts of rational thinkers and independent professionals’ presence in PEU did not only breathe fresh air and a lease of new life in the Union but opened a new chapter in teacher unionism, thereby by guaranteeing our gallant march to the second century of survival.
As a community builder of note, Linford is a founder of TeaSteal Projects, a Nonprofit Organization which aims at enhancing teachers’ pedagogical practices through ICT and shoe-string teaching methodology. His organization has its uniqueness within ” authentic impact on teachers’ pedagogical practices “. The NPO also conduct intensive career guidance camps for science learners based in rural schools.
As you might probably be rightfully wondering ad to how and where on earth does a young teacher get the energy to perform all of these, over and above his busy and energy usurping schedule that comes with our current set up in teaching, your attention is further drawn to the fact that he is also providing mentoring to his former learners, currently studying at various universities in South Africa. He also provide mentoring to high school learners in different career fields and engage them in authentic scientific issues that provide them platforms to solve problems experienced in South Africa.
His recent achievement add an ace on his sleeves as an active participant in teacher recruitment through on line platforms. It is worthy noting that Linford is a content developer for emerging digital magazine, Tag My School.
He is also actively involved in Professional Development and has travelled extensively throughout the country and internationally, eg. Georgia State University in USA, where he co-presented papers.
He is indeed a well endowed rare breed of our times, made out of a strong moral fiber, destined to dizzy heights. It for this reason that PEU found it beffitting and compelling to establish the Youth Bridage, which is an envisaged enabling environment for young teachers of his calibre, to channel their energy correctly and for optimum realisation of their innate talents, in their endeavour to build their country.
Long live Linford long live!
PEU salutes you!
Your good work can never go unnoticed!
Let the sky be the limit!